Volunteer Opportunities

The Town of Esopus has volunteer opportunities for town residents who are interested in being more involved in their community. Here is the APPLICATION TO SERVE that needs to be filled out and emailed to the Board Chair and Town Supervisor.

From time to time there are membership vacancies on the official Boards and Committees recognized by our Town Code. If there are no formal vacancies available, we still encourage residents to attend the meetings, which are public, and contribute to the mission of the preferred Board or Committee of their choosing. In order to do this, please contact the Chair and let them know of your interest and plan to attend a meeting.

Board / Committee

Day & Time


Town Board

1st Thursdays
7:00 PM
3rd Thursdays
7:00 PM
Danielle Freer
Town Supervisor

Water / Sewer Board

2nd Tuesdays
7:00 PM
Nicholas Butler
Water Superintendent

Parks & Recreation Commission

3rd Mondays
6:00 PM
now open!

Planning Board

3rd Mondays
7:30 PM
Roxanne Pecora

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

3rd Tuesdays
7:00 PM
Karl Wick

Environmental Board

3rd Wednesdays
7:00 PM
Mark Ellison

Waterfront Advisory Board (WAB)

4th Wednesdays
7:00 PM
Margaret Phelan

Economic Development Committee (EDC)

Last Tuesdays
5:00 PM
now open!