Zoning Board

Furthering the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Esopus

Scope (Section 123-1)

The Town of Esopus Zoning Board and Zoning Chapter, hereby enacted for the Town of Esopus, New York, shall regulate or restrict the height and size of buildings, the percentage of a lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and open spaces, the density of population and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes as empowered by Section 261 of the Town Law of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York. In order to accomplish the purpose of this chapter and to further the comprehensive plan for the entire town, the Town shall be divided into several districts, the regulations of which shall be administered uniformly within each district.

Purposes (Section 123-2)

This Zoning chapter is created in accordance with and as a means of effectuating a comprehensive plan for protecting and promoting public health, safety, comfort, convenience, economy and general welfare. Specifically, this chapter is intended to carry out the following goals, among others:

  • To promote the use of land for its most appropriate, reasonable and beneficial purposes.
  • To promote and protect the character, rights and stability of established residences and businesses.
  • To enhance the value of land and conserve the value of buildings.
  • To enhance the physical environment of the Town and preserve its natural, scenic and cultural resources.
  • To improve design and adequacy of transportation facilities, traffic circulation and parking and loading facilities.
  • To prevent excessively dense and inefficiently spaced development.
  • To provide adequate light and air to all buildings and to prevent overcrowding of structures.
  • To assure privacy for residences.
  • To facilitate the proper administration and appropriate and effective enforcement of this chapter.
  • To separate and cluster uses to their mutual advantage and to encourage flexibility in design and land use patterns so that development is most appropriate with respect to the characteristics of the land.

You can follow all Town of Esopus projects using the City Squared portal of Municity Connect.


Karl Wick

Board Members

Guy Brought
Kathy Kiernan
Michael Pittner
Jim Tomassetti
Gloria VanVliet
Karynn Zahedi
Frank Skerritt (alternate)


Lisa K. Mance
(845) 339-1811 x 126

Town Board Liaison

Kathie Quick