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Application for Building Permit

Property Location & Information

New construction only


General Contractor

Type of Construction or Improvement

General Building

Building height above grade:

Total square footage:

Number of bedrooms:

Number of bathrooms:

A plot plan and construction drawing are required and must include the following: 

  1. Location of proposed structure or addition showing all exterior dimensions.
  2. The distance of the proposal from all lot lines.

These documents may also be dropped off at the Building Inspector’s office

  1. Work conducted pursuant to a building permit must be visually inspected by a Town of Esopus. Building Inspector and must conform to the New York State Uniform Fire and Building Code.
  2. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the required inspections are completed. Inspections shall be scheduled at least 24 hours prior.  Building Department hours are 8:00 to 4:00, Monday-Friday
  3. A Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance is required; the structure shall not be occupied until said certificate has been issued.
  4. Proof of ownership will be required if purchased within the last month.
  5. Flood Development Permit may be required. Please check with the Building Inspector.
  6. The building permit shall be prominently displayed to be visible from the street.

I, the undersigned agent/applicant, do hereby certify that the above statements are true to my knowledge and belief and that all work or installation shall be entirely within the boundaries of the subject lot. The undersigned is the responsible party for compliance with all regulations,

Signature is required.
reCAPTCHA is required.