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Application for Sign Permit

The undersigned applicant hereby agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Code of the Town of Esopus, and all other Laws, Code, Rules and Regulations applicable to the proposal.

Signature is required.

Applications for sign permits must include a $50 filing fee and 2 complete sets of all of the following:

1. A site plan and elevation drawing indicating the location of the proposed sign. Plan must delineate property lines, building locations and dimensions, parking areas, location and dimensions of other signs on the parcel, exact location of the proposed sign, including setbacks from property lines.
2. Scaled drawings of the proposed sign that clearly indicate the size of the sign, and size, design and colors of all sign lettering and features. For wall-mounted signs, indicate the length (in linear feet) of the wall the sign is to be mounted on. Drawings must also indicate the proposed construction and anchorage of the sign and the method of illumination.
3. Color “chips” of samples of sign face, lettering and features.
4. Photographs of the existing buildings and existing sign, where applicable, with sufficient view to indicate surrounding conditions and signs.

These may be dropped off at the Building Department at Town Hall during normal business hours.

reCAPTCHA is required.