Justice Court

Adjudicate equal justice for all.

Court Rules
Proper attire is required. No cell phones, cameras, recording devices, or any electronic devices will be permitted. No firearms or any other weapons allowed unless you are a uniformed officer with proper identification. No food, beverages, or gum is allowed.

For Traffic Tickets:
Please complete either section A or section B and return to the court listed at the bottom of the ticket. You will receive a court date in the mail if you plead not guilty. You will receive a fine notice in the mail if you plead guilty.

Payments can be made with money orders or Visa/Mastercard. You can also pay online at  www.paycourtonline.com. This system is administered by a third party company and they do charge a fee. You will need your case number or ticket number to access your account. If you need this information please contact the court. If you send a FAX to the court, please follow up with a phone call to ensure we received it.

For Landlord/Tenant Forms please visit www.nycourthelp.gov
For information related to NYS Department of Motor Vehicles please visit dmv.ny.gov

Contact Us

1 Town Hall Way
Ulster Park, NY 12487
PO Box 700
Port Ewen, NY 12466
FAX: 845-483-8146
9AM – 2PM, Monday – Friday

Court Clerks
Marianne Wells & Dawn LaMarca

Enter your starting address:

Town Justice
Kyle Barnett

Town Justice
Pierce Gallagher