Water/Sewer District

The Port Ewen Water/Sewer District is committed to providing you, the consumer, with the safest and most reliable water and sewer service. The employees of the Water/Sewer District and the Water/Sewer Board of Commissioners are dedicated to maintaining all State and Federal drinking water standards. It is also our responsibility to raise the consumer’s understanding of drinking water, and the awareness for the need to protect our drinking water sources. We encourage public interest and participation in our community’s decisions affecting drinking water. Thank you for allowing us to continue to provide your family with quality drinking water and safe and effective sewer service.

Water/Sewer Board

The Town of Esopus has a Board of Water Commissioners composed of five members, which you can find out about here.

Stay Updated on Flooding Alerts

New York State offers a free email-based alerts program called NY Alert. Subscribers can receive information on water discharges, weather and flooding alerts, transportation updates and more via their email address, phone, fax number or any combination of the three. To subscribe to NY Alert, click here.

Contact Us

Nicholas Butler, Superintendent
FAX 845-331-5981
Emergency On-call 1-877-533-9113

Roger Mabie Water Treatment Plant
131 River Rd
Ulster Park, NY 12487

Your can also call 845-331-5900 to request a Final Water/Sewer Bill.