Town of Esopus Comprehensive Master Plan

Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan

Appendix 1: Inventory & Analysis
Appendix 2: Public Outreach Results
Appendix 3: Myles Putman Planning Reports 

What is the Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan?
The Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan will establish the community’s long term vision, goals, strategies and policies for guiding future changes and investments and includes background information on the Town’s past and an analysis of current issues and trends. The Plan is intended to service as a roadmap for the Town of Esopus’ next 10-year planning period. The Town of Esopus last prepared a Comprehensive Plan in 1994. Over the preceding 24 years, the Town has undergone numerous land use, population and economic changes, both positive and negative. The long gap since the Plan was last updated, combined with ever changing land use and socio-economic conditions, an update is necessary to ensure the Town of Esopus properly plans and allocates resources for a bright future.

What are the contents of the Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan?
The Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan outlines the Town’s existing conditions, identifies a Vision, describes future goals and strategies and includes an action plan to achieve the Vision. The Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan, at a minimum, addresses the following:

Land Use and Development
Economic Development and Job Growth
Housing and Neighborhoods
Our Waterfront
Pedestrian Safety and Traffic
Parks and Recreation
Infrastructure and Community Services
Agriculture, Historic and Cultural Resources