Black History Month Kingston celebrates the life, journey and spiritual legacy of Esopus native Sojourner Truth through a public walk which will take place on February 18th, starting at 11:30am at the Town of Esopus and ending at the Ulster County Courthouse in Kingston. We will convene at Old Dutch Church immediately afterward (approximately 2:30pm) for refreshments, speakers and a visit with Sojourner Truth as portrayed by Pastor Debra Zuill.
The walk creates a rare and thoughtful opportunity for the community to engage actively with history and Truth’s lived experience, which until the age of 26, was spent entirely within the bounds of the Town of Esopus. Understanding the details of her life that took place right here where we live, allows us to more intimately comprehend what she (and countless enslaved people) endured, and also marvel at the woman she becomes despite it all. Several stops will be made along the walk at relevant landmarks and one for hot cocoa too.
This event is free and all are welcome to join, with a reminder to wear walking shoes and dress warmly. Buses will depart promptly from Dietz Stadium at 11:00am (we recommend arriving at 10:30am), for people coming from Kingston. Esopus residents are welcome to come directly to and park at The Esopus Town Hall, however they are responsible for their own transportation back after the event. We will all leave Esopus Town Hall at 11:30am. A bus will follow the walk for anyone having trouble walking or walking the whole way (4.5 miles).
Registration is not necessary to attend, however it is important and it gives the organizers a headcount of how many people are attending to better operate the event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Click here for additional information.