Esopus residents,

In light of recent events involving the spread of COVID-19 in Ulster County and in consultation with the Town Board and County officials, we have decided to restrict access to Town Hall to essential staff only. The building is closed to the public as an important precautionary measure to limit the spread of COVID-19. That being said, all town departments will remain open. We are still conducting business. All services will be offered over the phone and by email.

In addition to restricted access, in response to Governor Cuomo's emergency actions limiting staff hours for municipalities, Town Hall has also changed their open office hours to 10AM - 2PM Monday - Friday.

We will let you know when Town Hall opens again for general public access. In the meantime, the Justice Court will accept fines and traffic tickets paid in person by appointment. We are currently working on a solution that allows the Court Clerk's office to receive remote payment via safety-deposit box, however we do not anticipate that this will be completed this week

For additional information about the current status of COVID-19 in Ulster County, visit:

If you have any questions about COVID-19, call the Ulster County hotline at 845-443-8888.

Thank you,
Shannon Harris - Town of Esopus Supervisor