Invitation to Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Update Public Meeting #2

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at Esopus Town Hall
Open House: 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m
Project Presentation & Community Discussion: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Dear Waterfront Stakeholder,

The Town of Esopus is updating its Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). The purpose of this communication is to request your participation in an upcoming planning meeting and obtain your collaboration in optimizing this plan, as well as to enlist you in engaging and involving the Esopus community in this program of waterfront conservation and development.

First adopted in 1988, the Town’s LWRP has been instrumental in improving waterfront recreation opportunities and protecting the Town’s unique shorelines and adjacent uplands. Grant funding from the NYS Department of State is underwriting preparation of this update. Moreover, as this planning advances, there will be opportunities to pursue external support and funding in order to aid implementation of identified follow-on efforts, such as priority land and water projects, the adoption of corresponding management policies, and the organization of Town actions that can support and advance compatible long-term revitalization of Esopus’ waterfront.

The focus of the LWRP is on the waterways and adjacent environments of the Hudson River Estuary, including the tidal Hudson River and Rondout Creek, plus remaining main reaches of the Rondout Creek and Wallkill River. As part of this update, this meeting will offer two separate, distinct components which the interested community is welcome participate in, either singly or together. From 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. there will be a Walk-in Open House, where participants can meet with leaders one-on-one in order to learn about and give input on key aspects of the LWRP. Then, from 7:00 to 8:30 a Project Presentation & Community Discussion will review the LWRP and offer an additional opportunity for feedback on the LWRP action framework.

You and/or your organization are identified as a waterfront stakeholder. The format allows the interested public, and parties that are essential to implementation, to stop by and/or attend the briefing to learn about and contribute input on the LWRP. General information on the LWRP can be accessed via

By updating the LWRP, the Town is better able to evaluate waterfront resources and craft a comprehensive strategy for their best use. A focus of the LWRP is on identifying an appropriate balance between waterfront recreation, new economic growth, and preservation. In addition, the Town will identify ways the community can reduce risks to community assets and make them more resilient to future threats and natural disasters, such as flooding.

This Public Information session will be hosted by the Town Supervisor, Waterfront Advisory Board, and the Committee assisting this planning. It will focus on the proposed priority projects and techniques for implementation that can advance Esopus’ waterfront development program. During this event, participants will examine a series of long-term land and water use projects. There will also be a review of the correlated policies, and the management framework, proposed to comprehensively sustain and improve the Waterfront Area.

For instance, we will examine concepts to improve Town waterfront parks and examine draft waterfront design guidelines being promoted as a tool to promote protection and enhancement of the community’s landscape, its shoreline, and its built character. For Freer Memorial Beach there will be presentation of a concept for a first phase capital improvement project that provides a shoreline landscaping enhancement along with a canoe/kayak launch, and which layout supports further long-term enhancement of this main Town waterfront park. Participants will also have opportunities to evaluate other key priority and potential projects that relate to parks, Town infrastructure, and mitigation of the impacts of rising sea levels and increased storm severity.

We hope you are able to make either or both the in-person workshop and the community discussion. We value your input and seek to collaborate with you in forging the Town’s LWRP Update. Should you have any questions, or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (845) 331-0676.


Danielle Freer, Supervisor

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