NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to §123-47 C(6) of the Esopus Town Code, the Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:35 p.m. or as soon thereafter as comment(s) may be heard, at Town Hall, 1 Town Hall Way, Ulster Park, N.Y. for the purpose of considering the application of Matt Grey and Tiel Reardon for a proposed site plan/special use permit.
Proposal is to repurpose an existing building into a wellness facility and guesthouse. Wellness center will provide changing area showers, sauna, steam room, hot tub, cold dunk, lounge areas, massage therapy and similar services. The guest house would provide short-term sleeping arrangements for guests in up to five rooms. Subject parcel is located at 355 Broadway, Town of Esopus, New York identified as Tax Map No. 56.76-2-27 n the GC-1 Zoning District.
All parties of interest and citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard in respect to such application. Written comment may also be submitted by e-mail to, provided verbally during the meeting or submitted in writing to the Esopus Planning Board, PO Box 700, Port Ewen, NY 12466.
The application is on file in the Planning Board office for inspection by any interested party.
By Order of the Planning Board,
Chairperson Roxanne Pecora