NYS PSA: Winter Energy Assistance

From the Public Service Commission:

As the winter season approaches, many New Yorkers will face a difficult time managing their energy costs. This situation may be particularly hard on the elderly and those with fixed or low incomes. It is important that consumers are made aware of steps they can take, and the programs they can participate in, to reduce their energy use and help control energy bills this winter.

The New York State Department of Public Service’s winter outreach and education campaign is designed to help consumers manage their energy bills while staying warm and safe during the cold weather months. We are encouraging consumers to take simple, low-cost energy savings measures to reduce energy use and to consider bill payment options and financial assistance programs to help manage energy costs.

Enclosed is a list of available publications related to the upcoming winter season, which include topics such as the rights and protections of electric and natural gas customers, what to do if utility service is interrupted, and the actions consumers can take to manage their winter energy costs.


The Town of Esopus would also like to remind residents that financial assistance for winter heating can be requested through the HEAP Program.

For more information, visit the New York Public Service Commission’s website at https://www.dps.ny.gov/.