What is the Riverfront Access Study?

The Town of Esopus has over 24 miles of shoreline along the Hudson River, Rondout Creek and Wallkill River as well as numerous streams, lakes and ponds nestled among its ridges, valleys and forestlands. Unfortunately, public waterfront access is limited. Recognizing the Town’s significant shoreline amenities and limited access, the Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan recommends increasing public waterfront access and associated recreational opportunities and connections.

To implement this Comprehensive Plan Goal to better leverage the Town’s waterfront assets and address the public access deficit, the Town of Esopus and Scenic Hudson are collaborating to prepare the Esopus Riverfront Access and Connections Plan. This Plan will evaluate opportunities for new, enhanced and universal access to the Hudson River and Rondout Creek along with new recreational amenities and opportunities to connect these various parks and preserves through on- and off-road trails. The Town received a grant from the NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary program to assist in preparing this Plan.

Riverfront Access & Connections Study

To download and review the Study in its entirety, click here. (File size ~25 MB)
To download and review the Study's appendices, click here. (File size ~16 MB)

The Riverfront Study was finalized on November 4, 2020.