Town of Esopus Zoning Update

The Town of Esopus is conducting a comprehensive update to Chapter 123, "Zoning," and additional land use related chapters of the Town Code. This update is the first step to implementing the Town of Esopus Comprehensive Plan, adopted July 9, 2019, which recommended numerous zoning and land use related updates. The Town of Esopus received a grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway to assist in funding the zoning update process.

The Town of Esopus enacted its first Zoning Ordinance in 1971, based on the their first Comprehensive Development Plan that was adopted in 1970. The Town subsequently adopted Chapter 123, "Zoning" in 1980, which underwent a full update in 1995, in accordance with the Town's 1994 Comprehensive Plan. A variety of amendments have occurred since the last full update to address numerous land use and development matters.

What is Zoning?

Zoning is a system of land use regulation based on a written ordinance and mapped zoning districts. Zoning regulates three aspects of land: use, density or intensity of use, and the siting of development on individual parcels of land. Uses permitted on a parcel of land depend on its zoning district classification. The zoning map identifies the zoning classification of the property, and the text explains the uses permitted and other related regulations.

Every zoning law regulates the use of land by permitting or prohibiting various land uses (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). The density or intensity of use refers to the concept of how much development may be placed on any given area of land. The actual regulations (i.e., what uses are allowed, what densities required, and what siting requirements must be met) are developed to carry out the present and long term planning objectives that the community has decided upon.

The Zoning Update Process

The Esopus Town Board retained Laberge Group to facilitate the project. In addition, the Town Board established the Zoning Task Force (ZTF) to work with Laberge Group during the update. Laberge Group and the ZTF will be meeting on a monthly basis to prepare and review new and update existing regulations in an effort to implement the Comprehensive Plan and react to land use and development changes and pressures in the Town. Project documents are working drafts and before they can be adopted by the Town Board, extensive internal reviews and public involvement are necessary. ZTF meetings are open to the public and ten minutes are provided at the beginning of each meeting to accept public comments.

Questions regarding the Zoning Update Project
should be directed to
Jared Geuss,
Town Board Member and ZTF Chairman: